Building and transforming the lives of over seven billion people worldwide by meeting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) should be an agenda at everyone’s heart. In this endeavour, businesses can play an essential role in preserving the environment by increasing the adoption of sustainability initiatives in business activities. The challenges that need to be tackled cannot be done alone. A collaborative approach is the need of the hour. Anheuser-Busch InBev (AB InBev) and Network18 present Sustainability 100+ - Shaping a Better World to incite collective action and responsibility from stakeholders and persuade policymakers, corporates, and individuals. Sustainability 100+ is an extensive, thought-provoking collaboration of media, companies, the government, academicians, and entrepreneurs aimed at recognising sustainable initiatives in India. The platform will drive meaningful positive change under four focus areas - Smart Agriculture, Water Stewardship, Circular Packaging, and Climate Action. Please click here for the 100+ Roadmap in 2021.

Our Sustainability Pillars

Smart Agriculture

Our goal here is to support farmers through research, technology, and financing; and empower them to improve their productivity, profitability, and community.

Water Stewardship

There is an extensive strain on existing water resources. By collaborating with authorities and partners, we aim to promote sustainable water use and address water-related risks.

Climate Action

Collaboration is imperative towards addressing climate change. The Sustainability100+ platform brings together stakeholders who can significantly limit greenhouse gas emissions and global temperature rise.

Circular Packaging

Old industrial models of “take, make, dispose” are now giving way to new thinking around circular economies. The 100+ platform will explore solutions to increase recycling rates and educate consumers about the same.
Sustainability Champions

Recognising the efforts and contribution of the pioneers towards Sustainability Development Goals.

Farm to glass
An overview of how AB InBev, NGO partners, government agencies, and farmers are partnering to impart the proper knowledge, skill, and technology to farmers to promote Smart Agriculture and catalyse sustainable transformation.

Securing clean water
In-depth insights into how the state government, corporates, NGOs, and communities are collectively working to improve water availability and quality in Telangana

Bolstering climate action
An overview of how state government, innovators, environmentalists, and companies are outlining ambitious strategies to fight climate change.

Eliminating waste through circular packaging
Reimagining waste management by maximizing circularity of products, components, and materials in use.

Voices on Sustainability

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A trend-setter in its space, Network18 Media and Investments Ltd is one of the largest media conglomerates with diversified but synergistic interests in Television with its bouquet of fifty channels in India and thirteen international channels, besides filmed entertainment, digital content, magazines, digital commerce and allied businesses. Network18 is promoted by Independent Media Trust of which Reliance Industries is the sole beneficiary. To know more about Network18, click here
Anheuser-Busch InBev World’s leading brewer. Our Dream is to be the Best Beer Company Bringing People Together For a Better World! To know more about AB InBev, click here